Only three hours onsite.
Got the loader and plywood unloaded and set up.
Popped off a log. Second one I wasn't 100% in undercutting the COG, and didn't want to try to have it work right, so I descended, and set a pull rope. Pulled over the spar as big as possible double-cut with a 28" bar.
3-13' logs on the trailer, plus whatever above those that didn't get out through the chipper.
A 13' butt log, and 2 more 13' logs from the spar, 3' of waste. She wants high stumps.
Bit of side lean, toward power box, nbd.
Little more near on the tension side.
Remnant kerf from plunging into face and wedging it apart, blowing off one side of the
Face, leaving a flat pounding surface to blow out the other side.
Ended up with a bit of a gap-face on the tension side.
The micro-skidder style rake I had built for my bucket is on from beforehand. Useful on occasion.