Last tree of the project, interrupted by a GI virus and tweekers' damage.
I cracked the top of an old fence board in the graffiti'ed section with a dead top's branch... couple feet too long. I didn't want to climb up higher, as the top was crispy-cracky. Not bad for 11 crusty trees.
Ground took a beating, but raked out.
Stump farm made for broken logs.
All firewood logs, hooked up four friends, one in-part in trade for a greenhouse that I'll use for dry storage for the time being. I have a mess of logs at my house.
Chips onsite for HOA use in the greenbelt. A lot of mini-fed piles, some hand chipping at the end, but speed-lined and rigged them to spin right to chipper, under the adjacent alder.
About 10 yards of dirty rakings that won't be put through my chipper.
21 days until burn-ban is over, if rain comes in, which it seems it will.
Getting into the school year schedule will free me up to be able to put more concentrated time on projects.
I picked D up from school on Friday, came back, set her up with a new lego set, and dumped the last trunk, then headed out, leaving my employee to finish packing, gather signs and cones, and unload debris at the shop.
LegoMan can one-hand it, too.