The Official Work Pictures Thread


Late start today because we had to replace the coolant reservoir in the chip truck before heading out today. 45 min drive put us on the job just before noon! Decent sized red oak in the front to be removed. Climbed, dropped branches, chipped (full 30 cubic yards), major limbs and main trunk loaded on our log truck in about 4 hours. Then I started grinding it, while the rest focused on trimming another red oak from the neighbors overgrowing the customer's yard (children's play area). Grinding went really well today after working on the grinder most of Friday -- nice to have it back up to par! Tomorrow morning we will finish the grinding, remove the excess grindings, throw down some top soil and 4 rolls of sod. All in all, we'll just barely have a full day's work into a job that was slated for a day and a half. Not too shabby -- we made up our lost time today
P1310634.jpg P1310642.jpg P1310656.jpg P1310672.jpg P1310668.jpg P1310676.jpg P1310690.JPG !
We can't be too pricey on a low/no skill drop-n-chip. There's plenty of small fish (guys in pickup trucks) around who could handle those pines for that price point. Plus, here in the Midwest if you price too high, you'll get the famous DIY-spirit stirred up and the homeowner might just try to do it themselves.

Haha, that's what I face back in Tasmania! Everyone and their uncle and Aunt has a chainsaw, a pickup and a ladder
When I first saw the pic I thought it had already been trimmed nicely. Surprised me to see it was a TD.
I could not agree more. That's just sad to see. I wouldn't be able to put a price on having that tree on my property...but it would be significant, more than likely way more than the customer paid y'all to have it gone.
We didn't exactly understand it ourselves, as the tree wasn't showing much in the way of defect or even that much deadwood -- it's obviously been trimmed & maintained (much better than many around these parts). But they have an autistic child and were perhaps worried about it dropping wood near the play area or on cars in the driveway. Somehow they wanted it completely gone -- as in no trace. They wanted the full removal package: removed, stump ground, grindings removed, topsoil brought in, and sod laid. That's actually the first time I've seen us have someone opt for that full, complete option (since it's so costly). In 2 days, the tree is a memory -- nothing but lawn left. Odd thinking, but $$$$ talks. Plus, we'll put it to good use -- saw up the main trunk on the Timber King mill and some oak firewood for ourselves.
Offer free hammers and nails!


How do you market lumber?
We've got somebody doing a black walnut floor for a big room (many 1000s of sq ft), as well as a custom bus builder who wants lots of "pretty" wood for interiors (walnut, pecan, oak, cherry). We also have a contact with a nearby lumber mill who will come out and select logs off of our pile that they want for milling -- building themselves a truckload of choice logs.
Nice work out there!

Storm clean up continues for me, got this mulberry down in between motor shop jobs and pricing out more tree work, chip it tomorrow. it's just 2 minutes from my place.



Lotta mess Peter.

Almost felt guilty making a mess for the 90yr old HO today. But, hey, that's what he paid for. Hitch Hiker for the win.


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