I could give two hoots about the emperor, a big waste of tax money. Nothing now but a figurehead, and a pretty useless one. The approval rating of the entire royal family is rather down these days.
The tsar, Alexander lll, after issuing his manifesto against certain peoples, caused the murder of a lot of my family in the Ukraine, Andrew, and completely erased the village where they resided, such that the place no longer has a name and is nothing but agriculture fields. If you read about his reign as leader, he cancelled the reforms of the previous tsar, and greatly increased police oppression. What level of intelligence would that be? My grandmother escaped as a child, but suffered horrible memories her entire life. She didn't talk about it much, except to tell me of the time that she saw a woman get her breasts torn off and be dragged through the street behind a horse. You can't change history, but why honor a cruel leader like that? No reflection on the beautiful photos of places that you show.