The Official Work Pictures Thread

Good pictures, Andrew. What about those spurs you posted about, previously? You do a lot of tree killing without spurs, it seems, and at the same time have lots of typical pro-gear.
Deadwooding a black oak and taking green limbs off over neighbors driveway, then removing tulip in very small limited DZ in same day

Almost down, piece by piece

Oh, and taking out some lower branches on this Pondo to the trunk

Oh my goodness. He climbs doubled rope and one hands a saw! What are we to do? I'll bet he even use crotches to rig out of!!!!!!
Lol, I used the Omni block 1.5 on my rigging of branches, its hanging next to my saw in first pic
Working with Bixler tree today taking down a big black oak with canopy over HO and neighbors home.

Im running the ropes, "madman" Joe did the climbing, all went very smooth.

Brian set his line to climb and rig, but decided to let Joe finish up, second climber would have got in day!

Nice shots BOTS. Back to removals this week here.




Always love putting the chips back.
Absolutely. I love when I gpo back to a customer to see the pile of ships moved back to the tree. :)
Nice pictures both of you..
I need to go play Bixy and BOTC someday.. they look like they are having too much fun....