What is the obligatory time frame to replant, do you know ? I heard off a friend of mine whos in with another big company (can't say), but not Island Timberland, who are selling off, or trying too, a huge amount of land (cut blocks) adjacent to west coast Rd - Port Renfrew....to anyone who wants it basically. There's no re planting gone on....its just frigged up stumps and waste. So, clearly an example of a Logging Co not being forced to adhere to legal obligations to re plant. And that land is right off the roadside. Although like I said previously, the worst of it are the parts you can't get to without keys, or wings. I don't know how up to date Google Earth is, but if you zoom over that region, you'll get some idea. And check out Carmanah Walbram, where the finest jewels still remain. That's where the Logging Co's are closing in on.
My posts are not in the slightest part ranting or angry, by the way.....because I understand human nature and gain, pretty well. But it does leave you feeling somewhat dispondant, and sad for the ecosystem and wild inhabitants that are being systematically raped. A big part of the problem is that people don't live long enough....so the repercussions will be someone else's to inherit. In the meantime, we convince ourselves it'll be alright....it'll grow back.