Had a relatively easy afternoon, after getting a set of tires, invoicing some work, sending some bids, and hanging out a bit, I got to work. Handful of missed shots from the APTA, and I gave up on an overhead climbing line. I didn't want to break branches into the building, as you see, it was a bit crispy. I accidentally knocked out 3 rotting cedar tongue and groove fence boards last time, working solo that time as well, but with a lift. No big deal, easy fix, just contrasting color.
Took down a dead hemlock with a rotten base, around 100-110' and a couple maples over the pump house, last year. Chip onsite for mulch, and left logs.
This dead Grand fir is coming down this year chip onsite, leaving logs. A portable miller is coming in.
First tank in the 193t got me to 120', and the end of my climb line. Came down, fueled up, Wraptored up, climbed up another twenty or so to pop the 20' top.
Dad was there with the two young boys. For a memorable experience, I had the two boys pull the top of the tree. They loved it. Would have wedges it pushed it off otherwise.
Branches and stubs start at 120'
View from 120'