Nice video! What mods were done??
1) Exhaust deflector and spark-arrestor off of muff. (4 screws, 5 minutes: literally)
2) Goofy, restrictive air-filter support deal hogged out of airbox. (10 minutes with a dremel: literally)
3) Carb screw limiters hogged out so as to fatten er up nice and rich for break-in period. (I suck at this... I think it took me 30 mins. with a wood-screw)
All of these mods are super easy, and I'd be willing to walk anyone in the house (my wife's iphone vid deal is super easy) through em by vid if any of yas is thinking of getting one... I've become the inadvertent Echo evangelist since it's the ONLY top handle currently available that doesn't have a chipped carb. I've had both the 201tcm and two different 540's and they've all super-sucked imho. (Sam... still LOVED yer pics of that pine despite your saw.

Butch: Borax!!! It's that powdered stuff we had in the soap-dispensors in grade school.
Rich: I feel Mick's pain... (I've been view-pruning all week).... good to see you out there still killin it.
Ohhh... Speaking of view pruning... Check out this pig I had to take the suckers off of!
Here's a shot of Aron Martin, my poor groundie forced to climb... man he was pissed and TIRED... good, little heretic, Mormon lad...
Here's my token eclipse shot from a few days ago...