Man, Willie... Cory's gonna almost start crying when he sees yer pics. Even I wasn't too far from tears, that SUCKS, brother. Cheers. Let us know how the repair progresses.
Brian: Wow, you and Flushcut are putting me to shame. Both of those trees looked like some hard-won victories.
Cory: Quit cryin, man... he's Willie... he'll get it fixed, man... calm down. Hey!... Dija see my 400' Fir yet??
Sheash, I uhhh... I was all scared this morning...

Man, I can laugh now, but uhh... Let me start over... This morning the boss said, "Jed, I have this REALLY messed-up Madrona (Arbutus) for ya today... Evergreen (our biggest competitor) landed the job, but now their Safety Director won't let them do the job because the crane operator told them he couldn't get his rig in there."

... You guys man... I got out there... Oh my goodness, man... The tree was maybe 50' tall, AND you had a quite decent, rock solid overheadish tie from another tree. The tree itself was UNBELIEVABLY solid, given the stump. Arbutus's are miraculous...