Dropped off the kid, headed to meet my employee at the jobsite in my car. Ground the maple stump more, went to go to a tidal job, dumping two dead maples onto the beach at a shell fish farm, but found my employee wasn't sure is the gas gauge worked on the truck he's been driving, so he didn't say anything when it was sitting on empty ��. Yes when it's on empty it means empty. When it says half full it means half full... Am I being too harsh? Log truck came for wood. More grinding. More cleaning.
One more dead tree to do tomorrow, maybe two more substantial, but nothing major dead madrones, luckily with taller Douglas-fir adjacent.
Somehow after employee did something with my car, the battery was dead. Charge battery in customers charger, took truck to bid. Came back, car starts. Go get D from after school care.
Come home. Find out she has lice from an outbreak at school. Go to Target late for medicine. Final got her to bed a minute ago. Full day. All fingers and toes. No near misses.
After 10-15 times of saying to use tarps to collect grinding, keep gravel clean, etc on manicured waterfront job, my employee did so he was seeing how it's easier to keep it clean than get it clean. He was starting to see the bigger picture.
Felling hazard trees and bucking a couple logs is the best hourly by far! Almost feel bad. Almost.
Maples were hanging over water access for shell fish beach, and a building that has a large holding tank or something.