More biners!!!
dressed for a bear attack

Sam: snow doesn't seem possible! Love the picts but you live in a crazy place!
Re: beads...when my first grader grandson got off the bus yesterday the first thing he did was hand me those beads and say, "these are for you, Grandad." You GOTTA wear them at that point.
Glad you asked about the pants...that is why I posted the picture of them. I wanted to follow up on my post a few months ago about ordering Cloggers. I thougt the Cloggers were going to be the cat's meow. Nope.
I like the Arbor Flex pants OK...I first got the Cloggers...medium size. The crotch fit was maddening, like sitting on a taut line...not guy friendly. I sent them back and got a large size (mind you, I'm 5'10", around 142 pounds...not a big ole boy). Even the large size was not wearable...standing up, OK...any movement like climbing or squatting and it is soprano time.
I returned them, too...TreeStuff was wonderful about all this. They acknowledged they had gotten complaints that the Cloggers seemed to be "cut differently" and it was not just me that seemed to be getting de-nutted. They recommended I try the Arbor Flex...took about a month for them to show up...must be real popular. Yesterday was the first time I wore them. Easy to move around in, comfortable enough. Not as cool as I hoped but I guess that is just the way chainsaw pants are gonna be. I have some 10 year old Wesspur/Husqvarna chainsaw pants that are fairly bulky...and pretty hot. Fine for winter. I was hoping the Cloggers or Flex would be a lot cooler. They are probably some cooler but the Flex are going to be a lesson in discipline if I wear them in 90+ summer weather. They got my attention heat wise in 80 degrees yesterday.
I am not sure about the big flap in the back...verdict is still out with that. But the pockets and fit are good...the phone pocket on the leg is nice. I kept my pocket knife in a right side low leg pocket all day and it stayed with me...easy to reach if I need it.