Dormant hero!!
Can't be called Cory 

Jim: Thank you so very much for the extreme candor. You're a dear, good man. The drink's a toughy, man. Best of luck.
Grendel: What kind of phone is that... such beautiful stuff. Oh, is your 540 messing up, or... why the 201tcm? I hate mine almost as much as my life. I mighta hated my 540 a bit more though.
Ohio Rich: You crack me up, man.
Mick: Nice poplar.
Willie: Best work picks in a long, long time. You need to post more, man, er else you could wind-up like Cory.
Oh... Can you just email Jaime to pay for an Akimbo? I want one bad.
Better than my other anyway!Willie, did you get a big Pimpin' Kboom?