The Official Work Pictures Thread

It's kinda hard to do that and then wake up to treework in the morrow... We used to have a gal here who'd post while shitfaced, a long time ago.
Last I knew tree work was loaded with heavy drinkers and hard drug users.

That seems to be an affliction that is particularly prone to your part of the world, country I mean. Here, drugs aren't in the scene, and the previous night heavy drinkers are raring to go in the morning after about five minutes. Such that sometimes I would like to say, "Hey, slow down and have a drink or something, will ya". Something in the blood, i guess, and guys seem to want to work harder as they get into the later years. Old school was drink and work at the same time, and interesting/enjoyable to have experienced that, short pf recommending it. Go figure.....or it might come from eating all kinds of raw food including thoroughbreds. Get a little of that rear thigh to put some spunk in your step!
... and the previous night heavy drinkers are raring to go in the morning after about five minutes. Such that sometimes I would like to say, "Hey, slow down and have a drink or something, will ya". Something in the blood, i guess, and guys seem to want to work harder as they get into the later years. !

Wow, there's alot there Jay, kinda fascinating.
It really seems an odd phenomenon, Cory. No lie, I know some guys that work to drink, and drink to work. Every night getting plowed and up at five AM to get themselves together for the effort ahead, five-seven days a week. No way I could ever do that. I tell them that I may be about the only foreigner in the world that can keep up with them during the day, but they don't know what I'm talking about, so they just look at me funny.
There continue to be strange felling cuts made in St. Petersburg, I see :D.

This picture was taken in March 2007. We have a saying: "The main thing - a positive result ..." In fact, I did it for self-promotion. This picture makes the potential clients a lasting impression. Suffice it once to see this picture, and me will be remembered all my life. On you is also impressed, but with the opposite effect ... But you will not feed my family ... :)
Hahaha...well-done and well-spoken. A multi-purpose face cut. :lol:

So, how did you fell it? Knock the block out and then back cut it? Or did knocking the block out let it break the hinge? How tall was the spar above the face cut?