The Official Work Pictures Thread

Seems on when you are steady with it. Good enough. I do most my measuring with rope though.
Trick is knowing how far away from the tree you are. I don't trust it for distance. You can then put the site on the tree where she is level. You might have to add that bit of tree to the equation in your head. Then angle up. Site the top and it tells you pretty damn accurately. I argued with it once. It won. I was off 15 feet. That was dropping one in a tight spot.
Plenty of room, just wanted to test it.
Couple more snippits from Friday.....

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Thanks. Wild when you have to reset a ddrt on an adjustable false crotch to decend on a 200 foot line. Cheated though. Set a second line and figure 8 down it. Wraptored back up it this morning and reduced the stick to 80' with a 372 and a 32" bar

Nice to see no other dead trees in the background. Fine looking country.
Stephen you totally killin it out there bark beetle brother!!! very cool vids, keep em rolling ;)
Good stuff guys.
I had five silver maples for today and one for tomorrow. Don't tell my boss but tomorrow's is down to a spar. It's still gonna suck because the whole thing is within MAD, but at least I'm ahead of schedule. Trying not to have to do a half day Wednesday to get an early start on driving to Baltimore. Sunny and 65. Not bad for November. First for the project
I see the chipper parked close, are you going to chip the fat hardwood pieces you have roped off?
Yes. For right now anything that does not have timber value and fits in the chipper get eaten. They sold the property we used for our wood dump. They bought another but haven't got everything settled yet. It needs a drive put in with gates and power for a small building. Chips are easy to get rid of. Wood, not so much.
Nothing spesh, first day with the winch. This ash had a significant back and side lean, house, road, hi voltage cables all in its path so set it up with a pulley and she came over as good as gold.

Saved a lot of arsing about.


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Chip it,collect the cheque. 👍 gotta love it when you are able to save the arsing about,is the wench a hydraulic attachment?
It looks like you are in the bight, Mick, any way to avoid that on that tree?
Not sure what you mean by that Cory. In the pic Mick is outside of the bite for what can be seen. Inside the bite would be standing on the other side of the tractor.