Agreed. Falling to your demise after cutting your own stinkin rope has to be the only known (well I won't say drawback)............ uh........ Just don't cut your own stinkin rope, and you're going to be infinitely faster than most dDrt guys in most situations.
Williard: Sheesh, sir,... you earned your money on that pig. Looks good though, sir... I gotta say.
Max: But my eight-grade Social Studies teacher in my American Public School said that you guys don't have Haagan-Daas over there!? She wasn't LYING to me was she!?

Oh DEAR! That could cause me to loose faith in my American Public Institutions and Media!!
Nahh... just jokin bro... I knew it was a fake ice-cream.
Brian: Dude, your stinkin tall... you know that? I wonder if you're taller than Joel. You know what though... NOBODY'S taller than Dave. (thattreeguy on here). That guy's 6'7" if he's an inch. His knees used to give him the devil. Stephan: Does he still climb at all? Years ago he was wantn' ta give er up.
O.k. so here's a pretty boring picture of a boring cottonwood... Thing is, though!... Look at this pig bleed in the second pic. The third picture features the saw chain from my new little blue 201tcm which Andy dubbed "Pappa Smurf," right before firing up the bucket truck, which I had just shut off to take lunch, and then jumping it over a curb thereby launching Pappa Smurf onto the blacktop, and cracking all kinds of plastic on the filter-cover, etc... Ohhh Dude, I was insane pissed. I might need a coupla anger-management tools since I don't drink on the job.

I'll try to post a coupla pics of her so that you gents know that she's still o.k. just to... you know... put your hearts at ease a bit. I've calmed down a bit. Only two beers tonight

MAN! I want 50 though!!!

You guys ever seen Cottonpig turn Pink before??