The Official Work Pictures Thread


Rajan, around $400 for a half day and $600 for a full day may seem low (20 ton), but generally what people are willing to pay for tree work around here seems to be a fair amount less than what I read you guys saying you can charge.

Ahh a 20tonner that is about right then.
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The amount of times I've seen you put this up lol. Bloody wooden heads everywhere:lol:
What was left from the hotel job, another favor they requested . So far a thanks but no six pack.


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I hadn`t thought barber see a strop for a razor somewhere? No plan really, the purpose was whatever it would turn out to be, get it done quick before running out of gas. ;)

Anyway, at some point I decided that it was going to be chair, dammit. It`s not my fault that you guys are lacking in sensitivity of the highly expressive sculptural overtones that I have utilized there.

Not worth arguing about, no doubt the creation is going to crack to hell.
Had this little manitoba maple to solo take down. Offered clean up but the HO declined. Quoted this job over a year ago, new quote and good to go. Managed to clean off over hang on the one stem and pulled it over slowly with the maasdam between the phone and cable wires. Job was slowed down by neighbour's kids coming out to play, despite me talking to the tenant asking them to give me some time..... job got cut off, someone decided to start moving underneath me.



I always made my customers line up things with their neighbours ahead of time. I'd probably blow a gasket if the neighbour was allowing their kids to play in the work/danger zone. Before I'd be coming back I'd have had my customer talking to their neighbour in hopes to straighten it out before I yelled at their neighbours kids.

Showing up twice for a tree that size with no cleanup hardly sounds profitable.
They were on a deck with a high rail around it, I just cut small away from them and hand bombed, easy. Plan is take the left limb off then just pull the rest over. Good thing the new quote covered the extra time.
Workin with Bixler

Brian doing a sugar pine removal, Im deadwooding black oaks


Brian spear cutting the top


One of three black oaks im workin
