Really had to grease the wheels to get yesterday's job, though right down the road from my shop. Went over and made nice with the hotel manager, then strangled him a bit because he knows somebody else that works really cheap. The hotel made out too, I bid eleven trees but removed thirteen, the two extra not in the estimate but had lean towards a neighbour's residence. The hotel told me that I could cut whatever I saw fit to that I thought required it, but they would only pay for what was on the estimate and they had dictated the number of trees to pay for, based upon some entity that I know nothing about. They're funny like that. I figured at least a day and a half to two with the crane for the cutting and messing about where the road gets real narrow, but knocked them all out by 4:30 the first day. Slept good that night. Another half day to finish the clean up, but i was already trucking the brush at 7AM. Cool 20 ton crane and real good people to work with.