Student of the Jedi. OH-7106A
Nice looking rigging bollard you got there Ray!
You do what you're doing and get better each time. Seriously, go take the risk assessment qual. You mixed levels 1,2 and inventory with recommendations for level 3s. A level 1 should (I'm assuming) have been sold and bid on a walk by basis to identify which trees needed a closer inspection. Then you know you need a level 2 on 57 (or however many) trees. That is much easier to bid and write about. At least it's hard to lose money unless you're missing other work.
Muddy mess out here now. One of three leads off of a red oak I had to strip out. Have a shagbark hickory to strip out and a white oak to skinny up and then I'm off of this ROW and on to the next.
Snows thawed Rich ?
Cool pics Chris, looks like a perfect shot on that top and some great looking cuts. We're still doing a little tornado cleanup work. I've driven by this big gnarly long leaf hundreds of times and for some crazy reason always thought I'd end up taking it down and what a rigging nightmare it might be. The tornado took care of the rigging part.
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