The Official Work Pictures Thread

Steps, something to help keep your balance, I used them for rigging, etc. What would it benefit to flush them all?
That makes sense... I can't remember the last time I climbed a leaner like that. I imagine they are nice to stand on. Besides, unlike a normal tree with stubs, nothing will really hang up on them, anyway. Cool! :thumbup:
Once I got to the third or fourth limb, they were being lowered on the far side of the trailer. I had my daughter pull the few that came on the roof off with the hanger puller on the pole saw.
Stubs have their place Mr Butch!

Not too many. And they must be left in strategic locations as not to gag up you lines or lowered limbs.
On a straight up tree, I keep the trunk shaved smooth. I've had too many hangups, either with a limb or a rope, so I don't tolerate them at all. No biggie, that's just my style. It's all good.
On a straight tree I usually don't. They've caused me problems back in the day. But you know my spin on that. I see guys around here leaving all kinds of stubs like crazy. How the heck can you even work with all those stubs? I don't get it. Pulling your saw up after a refill would be a nightmare, nevermind your ropes and lowered limbs going down and hanging up on them.

I left a stub once by my waist. I was reaching up and stretching out to toss my skinning line through the crotch right above me and I gaffed out and slid down. Cracked my rib on that stub. I was heated with myself over that. Self inflicted wound.
Good call on those, Scott.
Leaving them would have been hard on the trailer.
I like those stubsies, too, to keep you from ending up on the low side of the tree.

I screwed up on a leaning pine in hard winds last year and flush cut it.
Then lost my footing and ended up dangling like a leaf in the wind on the underside of the tree with nothing to grab and pull myself back with..
Richard swore you could have heard me cussing a block away.

Butch is right about stubs being bad when you swing into the them. I have a scar to the left of my left eye, where I embedded a dead willow branch ( twig, really)
Went up to remove a couple of branches from a leaning willow to improve the view from a birdwatching tower. Tied into the neighbour tree and going down I slipped and swung into my tie in tree.
No safety glasses, of course.
I still remember standing on the ground, blood running down my face and thanking fortune that I didn't lose an eye.
Haha....wasn't sure if that was the given name of it, or a local name for it. The leaves remind me of a cottonwood.

They put my silly butt in the paper today. Not sure what for. I do not for the life of me know what those branches are that look like branches left on the bole. There most certainly were not limbs left on that spar. I don't get it.