The Official Treehouse Articles Thread


Tree House enthusiast
Aug 23, 2008
MB, if you know a place this fits into better, please move it. But after all this time, I'm not sure there is a thread devoted to random or general essays and articles. So here ya go.

Btw, August has a fantastic thread devoted to some of his essays (I strongly recommend to new members who may not have seen it) but I didn't want to cram other essays into his thread.

I hope folks aren't put off by the term "essays", maybe thinking, yuk that is boring. I think an essay or article on most any topic under the sun can be an awesome read if it is well written. Movies too- if it is well done and acted, the subject doesn't matter, it will be a highly watchable and enjoyable movie.

This is on meditation, I guess I could have started a meditation thread but maybe this is better.
I read the whole thing...that 10 days would be a very tough thing to do. The monkey chatter in the mind, the Waterfall, are hard to quiet.

I did a 3 day "solo" once as a 16 year old on an Outward Bound type program...set up my own encampment, did the survival thing...caught fish, ate ferns, etc. Hardest thing was not having people one to talk to is very foreign and challenging.

Good read.
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  • #3
Ive heard about that OB solo thing, sounds like, ya know, fun!

Glad you like the read.
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  • #5
The benefits of meditating are pretty well known and positive. But maybe some folks just can't do it.
Nice link Cory! I didn't read it all but I dig the subject matter, I've never done anything that extreme but do try and meditate daily, untold benefits. Also have spent days alone in the woods, it can get intense:)
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  • #9
Are you able to actually meditate each time you try?
Oh yeah, been doing it since I was a about 12 yrs old. I have a very busy mind, the meditation is an essential balance keeper. I've been trying for the "no-mind" for 8 years but there any many...... distractions:D
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  • #13
I can, if I vape some killer Kind beforehand.

That's cheating, that would never fly at the Temple:\:

Oh yeah, been doing it since I was a about 12 yrs old. I have a very busy mind, the meditation is an essential balance keeper. I've been trying for the "no-mind" for 8 years but there any many...... distractions:D

So you can meditate first time every time? Impressive. Do you feel most anyone can learn to do it?
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  • #14
Interesting read, Levi. I could only skim it, seemed to be a little over the top to me but it raised good points about the major changes that may occur in the vacuum between the old and new presidencies.
For the most part, yes. It is difficult if I am in a compromised emotional state.

Yes, everyone can learn to meditate. A yogi once said- one can make the path to Krishna difficult for themself but it doesn't have to be so.
Interesting read, Levi. I could only skim it, seemed to be a little over the top to me but it raised good points about the major changes that may occur in the vacuum between the old and new presidencies.

Yes, it was a bit over the top but I agree with the main point, things are changing big time in many levels.
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  • #17
Is it at all like a drug high/ altered consciousness(without the physical buzz) or is it more like just being really calm and aware?
Very much like a drug but much better. I learned quickly that psychedelic drugs were a short cut to a higher mind or inner self but it is not a genuine version, it's cheating in my opinion. Not to say that you can't gain insight from drugs but not like meditation.
We do it every time we start akarate class.
Very short, but with my +40 years of practice, I can totally clear my mind of anything not karate in something like ½ a minute.
Allows me to concentrate 100% on what I'm there for, with no outside thoughts interferring.
You might be right.

There must be something to it though, or maybe not! Quite a few non-celebrities practice TM and say it works. I guess if you think it works then maybe it does.

They are teaching something to fire fighters now a days called "mindfulness". Instead of zoning out, it teaches you to try and be really aware of the complex situation that you are in "right now".

Sort of a quick meditation that helps you find your center! and have better situational awareness.
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  • #24
Is Howard still funny? He was the man before he went satellite, I haven't heard him since.