Pratt & Whitney R-2800 "Double Wasp". Powerplant of several WW2 bombers. Then someone at Vought decided to slap a 13 foot Hamilton standard propeller and odd gull wings on one and created the deadliest fighter of the war, the F4U Corsair. Incredible aircraft. The US navy hated them at first, the huge bulk of the engine out front made carrier landing difficult. The Royal Navy got some and figured out that if you approached the carrier in a continuous left hand turn, the gull wing allowed you to keep the carrier in sight until the last few seconds. Until the Brits taught us, it was only the Marines using them on actual air fields, where their heavy duty landing gear, intended for slamming onto a pitching, rolling carrier deck, served them well.
Thus concludes my naval history vomit for today. Obviously, I'd enjoy living next to dude.