The Official Random Video Thread!

I guess I shouldn't be surprised that plant breathing looks basically exactly like human breathing...and yet I am surprised. Wishful thinking that plants did something more interesting than open their stomati and take a breath just like a human opening their mouth and inhaling. Still super awesome. Can't believe they have such high quality footage of plants breathing now. People always talk about wanting to live during a different part of time and history. Me, personally? I think there is not better time to be alive.
Looks exactly like the Akimbo. Anyone know anything about it? The Akimbo doesn't do well when it's wet or when there is sap. Maybe this solved the problems? It's got a slot for MRS/DRT.


One of the most influential and innovative guitarists of the past quarter century, Preston Reed invented integrated percussive guitar playing in the late 1980's, revolutionizing the way the acoustic guitar is played and inspiring generations of musicians around the world ever since.

Notice how he keeps the beat by hitting different part of the instrument, including the strings (like shown in @lxskllr's video) and plays with his fingers hanging from the top of fretboard, which is extremely difficult to do. It's like playing guitar in reverse. The song picks up. So pay attention to it and how he plays it.

You said it best, @Burnham. "Wasted hours." He may be correctly producing the knots with acrobatics, but he cannot dress nor set them with those methods, rendering the knots prone to failure and/or collapse. I'll admit that his video for knot tying methods, which have ZERO practical applications, is very entertaining.
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Remember when we were all discussing cicadas in the Jokes thread? Here's a brand new video by Smarter Every Day, a highly intelligent, and long time YouTuber, who made a video all about cicadas and how they make their sound; as well as various other interesting experiments, complete with fascinating videography and data. It is also pointed out, at the very start of the video, that these insects live effectively everywhere, with the exception of Antarctica.

An absolutely striking documentary about how music is used as a weapon and as a means for torture; for breaking the will of detainees and prisoners of war. Unsurprisingly, history suggests that the North Koreans and Chinese were the first to implement music as a means for torture during the Korean war. It has since become an increasingly important and popular means of breaking the will to fight of any/all opponents to American -- and other country's -- militaries.

This documentary follows a musical producer who worked for 40+ years creating music for the children's show Sesame Street, who, after learning that his music was used for torture in Guantanamo Bay, went on a quest to better understand how music is used to make prisoners more dependent upon their captures, to encourage a desire to share intelligence, and to put victims of such torture into a "semi-vegetative" state.

It is raw and real, and definitely worth watching. "The more you know!"

Underwater drones...

Their methods for maintaining a signal unwater at long distances is currently, largely unknown, apparently!

Drones, but underwater and mostly aerial FPV drones, are changing the dynamic of warfare hugely!
