The Movie/TV/New Releases Thread

One of the most moving and emotional stories I've ever seen, this.

It almost makes me want to believe.

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Damn, doesn't anyone watch films anymore?

This was way better than I thought it was gonna be.

V. Vaughn really delivers!

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He's been doing that for a while, now. :rockon:

I used to watch movies on pirate web sites but the overall experience was lacking. One time the guy filming in a theater answered his phone. Actually kind of funny
Released today: looks good

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That's getting some good reviews, looks interesting.

I haven't had time to watch Wind River yet and I've had it for a couple of months, maybe next week.

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I still haven't watched it, next week maybe.

This was on tv tonight. Nothing great but I ended up liking it.

And they couldn't resist the Pulp Fiction bit.

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Finally got to watch Wind River, wasn't too bad.

Watched this last night, a bit like it in some ways. Was pretty good.

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