Justin well said,It's all good brother. I get heated around logging. I feel robbed of my chance to have been a real highball handfaller. The industry has changed so much here in just one generation I can't even begin to explain it. Big machines, big production. Lever pulling jobs where one man can do the work of many has replaced a lot of what I always loved about the bush. The governments and greedy asses of the world have screwed it right up, I'm sure it's happening everywhere. BC is big logging country, but it's not the same as it was.
I didn't miss out on it seeing I started falling for Manfor at 16 in 1974. Even operated a tracked Drott 50 feller buncher in 1975 for 6 months cutting 1000 trees a day before I went back to the chainsaw. That buncher job was way too boring,
I loved hand falling on a 2 man cut and skid crew ,we couldn't wait to pace out our pile at the landing at the end of the day. We were unionized with the I.W.A. the same union all you guys on the west coast of B.C had.
I even had a job offer in 1988 to fall timber up at Sayward north of Campbell River for Mac Blo with full I.W.A benefits.
But I stayed at home and put my 30 years in with the company and got my IWA gold ring. Was a great life and will finish the rest semi retired doing arborist work which I love even more.