I hate them too, but to be honest, I wouldn't want to go back to pulp logging.
It was just grueling, hars work, and the pay wasn't that good.
It served to improve my felling skills no end, but today I'm quite happy just felling the big hardwoods that the machines can't handle.
Grown old and somewhat mellow, I guess.
I ran into a guy I used to log with 36 years ago, yesterday. We had us a nice long bull session.
The private district we worked on back then had 23 fallers, one skidderdriver one forwarderdriver ( forwarders were the new hot stuff back then)
2 foresters and one ( i don't know the english word, but the guy who keeps everyone, including foresters in line, and make the big decisions).
Today: 1 faller, one skidderdrver/jack of all trades and 1 forester. But then the forest has been doubled in size, by adding that of a nearby estate.
Everything on the place is done by contractors with harvesters.