The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

How about we keep the political shit in the political thread, please.

And I can do quite well without the " there are no atheists in a foxhole" crap, too.
2 of them right after each other sort of ended the fun part for me.

Just call me snowflake:D
Bobster, I had a near death thing 3 years ago.
Posted about it in Elders.

I got as close to dying as it is possible, and I'm still an atheist.

So don't give me that "accurate" crap, please.

Anyway, that is for another thread.

here is a sign I saw outside a Norwegian pub:

Since I'm one of the two members who speak Norwegian, I'll do the polite thing and translate it.

" You can't buy happyness.
But you can buy beer
And that is pretty much the same thing:"
Now I’m confused, wtf does religion have to do with Detroit being ruined by the gimme free shit tards..?

You're not the only one.

How about we keep the political shit in the political thread, please.

And I can do quite well without the " there are no atheists in a foxhole" crap, too.

2 of them right after each other sort of ended the fun part for me.

I posted one picture, the one before was a cat and dog. Atheists? :scratch:

Seems like someone deleted their post.
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