The Joke/Funny Pic/Video Thread

Where can I buy the poster?

I'd love to have that on the wall behind my computer.
1) I love "grass."

2) I don't hate religion

3) I don't GAS what the Aliens think - so to speak. I hope they don't want to breed and eat us.

Please be more accurate in your fake quotes.
Of course it's easy to make memes. That's why they're memes.

Some are just better than others...

That's not a meme - it's a fake quote. That happens, too.
He is our times version of John D. Rockefeller.

That is enough reason to hate him.
Most, if not all, web related apps, forums, etc ALL collect highly personal info. Facebook is only the latest in being examined.
Why? Maybe because they are an easy target. Keep in mind that the gov. Is ALWAYS behind the times. They react, not govern.

John D. Rockefeller was not a nice guy.
He was the type who wanted to own it ALL.

The way Zuckerberg has set up his company reminds me of that.

Whats wrong with wanting to own it all if he created the company that could? As a result of what he put into production, transporting and supplying this country moved us light years ahead. The government then regulated the whole deal.

Zuckerberg has created something that millions of people all over the world enjoy. Should it be regulated, censored? Maybe. BUT if ANYONE of those users of Facebook think what they put on their facebook page is somehow sacred they are fooling themselves. I don't have a facebook page for that reason. Why would I want my information about anything I do available to anyone that wanted to know. Fact is, what you post most anywhere on the internet including here is fair game.

Are we going to dog Butch for creating this site where we can post what we want, with a very rare intervention from him? NO, he has provided a place where if I want I can speak to someone in Denmark or 50 miles from me if I choose.
You go, girl!!!
Rockefeller did a lot of shady stuff.

Later, as so many of those moguls do, when they get old, he got a bad conscience and started doing charity.

Made a lot of people forgot how he was in the beginning.
Still not following you, Zuckerboy is not old and is already doing a lot for charity. What do you know that Zucker is doing shady? It is his site, he created it and there are no regulations forbidding much of anything on the internet. Also, the company that he is on the hill speaking to congress about could have found that information whether he allowed it or not.
Personally, I dislike him for not making sure his Facebook isn't misused by companies gathering information, or Countries or groups meddling in elections etc.

I hate him for making American bible belt mores universal.