the adventures of Mr Skidsteer

thats what i thought he was getting at. just seems weird you would wanna post something like that for a bunch of professionals to give their opinions on.
Oh yeah, where's my manners? Welcome efresh, I'm Brian.
And most threads here aren't this negative or critical. For the most part we try to refrain from that stuff. :)
i worked with him for 3 years solid. now we just hook up for the occasional side job. more of a friendship through force. he is really once of the best guys once you figure out he is mostly all bark!!!
All bark? Lol, he is gonna put his foot in your ass for saying that!

So what you're saying is Dave's really just a big PUSSY cat?

I can't help myself.
i was really just trying to figure out what that guys was talking about. i wasn't trying to come in here and start bad mouthing anyone.
i wouldn't say a big pussy cat. i was just saying he is a great guy to work with for the most part.
Welcome Ethan. Dave worked on those fishing boats with the Japanese in deep water, I think it gives a somewhat different sense of humor.
no he doesn't cry at girl movies. but he didn't return my copy of point break. some might consider that a chic flick!!
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I think it's where you try to steer the tree with your back cut because your hinge face isn't aimed correctly. A very low probability method which will result in lots of missed lays, but you can always blame it on the skid steer pulling too hard/not pulling hard enough.

side english refers to pushing the butt sideways, as the hinge fails, and the top releases... I made the cut, put the saw down, called for the pull, and pushed with both hands as the piece released..
side english refers to pushing the butt sideways, as the hinge fails, and the top releases... I made the cut, put the saw down, called for the pull, and pushed with both hands as the piece released..

That's what it means danny, but why does it mean that? Side Icelandic? Side Sweedish? Side American? Why Side `English'????did you make it up or did you hear it from someone else.