Spur Pads


Administrator Emeritus
Mar 6, 2005
Man, I'm really liking these. They're like the ones Brian sent me, but on steroids. They appear bulky, but they're nothing like the rigid bulkiness of the caddy pads. They have the my 100% approval. And how 'bout those gaff guards? They're ceramic and attach quite securely.

And you'll notice I have the GOOD straps! Thanks, Sean!
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Meh, stuff gets improved all the time. I remember when I thought velcro wraps were the end all to be all.
I'd like to see the pad and the spur as one piece, so to speak.
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Wear out? Other than those stone age original T-pads, I've never worn out any spur pads. I've still got them all.
My guess would be something along the way of a moulded pad.

Just like they do with hockey skates, they are heated up just enough so the plastic (composit) material is plyable. Then at the right temprature, the user laces them up till it cools down for that perfet fit to individual user.

Your thoughts,


ps -Wasn't Mike Mass working on something like this a while back?
I got a set of those last year and love them (they only down side is that they are on my Klein short gaffs which don't hold as nicely as my old Brooks) I wondered how the Caddies could be more comfy....I guess that they aren't.
I got a pair of those a couple years ago, put them on my long points (which I hardly ever use anymore) But the few times I've run them I was pleased with them. Way better than my velcro w/steel pads.
One of the mechanics at Woods hooked me up with a set of old redwood spurs with a set of Mallory cup pads. Pretty pleased about that.8)

if youve never worn out the pads why did you replace the foam on the caddies?
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Don't be so sure, Justin...after all, Butch hated the Gecko's :D.

No, I loved them. It was my calves that had the problem.

I wondered how the Caddies could be more comfy....I guess that they aren't.

They are quite comfortable, it's the angle that I don't like. The stiff wraps have a weird angle that at first looks wack, but when you wear them you quickly find that weird angle to be most beneficial! Truly!

Butch, if you've never worn out the pads, why did you replace the foam on the caddies?

Because it was foam. They lasted about three years.
Been thinking about buying some of those pads instead of the caddies... I am liking the feedback.. A guy that works for PG&E told the same thing about the angle of them.. Wack but highly comfortable and effective on support. I have the same tip guards too.. I am about 50/50 on those.. Does not take much to spring them off the gaff...
hey Butch, on those pads in the pix it looks like their is some kind of wrapping at the top of the spur shanks that go into (?) the pads?

Got a close up pix of the top of the spurs?