Cali dreamer

The old fugi didn't, Jay. But the lens that it did have covered a range from 28 to 475 in 35mm format. And it was sharp on both ends. It was a fine pix fs 100. Got to say one of the best cams I ever had.
The 60D will accept any EF mount lens.
Willie, go sit on a sharp stick and meditate for a while.
Then come back when you've learned to be nice to herons.
I once went on a canal boat trip in Holland with a whole bunch of people ( and the one thing, I don't handle well is lots of people) just for a chance to see the purple heron,rare to unfound in Northern Europe, but nesting in some places in Dutch marshland. Got it ,too
Crosshairs, my ass!
Oh and BTW, great pictures Roger. Amazing that they turn out with soo good focus, with a converter. I'd say a lot of that is because the guy behind the camera knows just when to push the button.