Cheesehead Treehouser
I would really like to find something like this:
However, I am not so keen on spending $40 for it. I am sure that the NT bag is a great bag and would last forever, but I am wayyyyyyyyyyyyy to cheap to pay the money for one. Does anyone have any other ideas or sources for bags of a similar size? I want one to keep anywhere from 60 to 80 feet of rope in and I want to be able to hang it from my saddle.
However, I am not so keen on spending $40 for it. I am sure that the NT bag is a great bag and would last forever, but I am wayyyyyyyyyyyyy to cheap to pay the money for one. Does anyone have any other ideas or sources for bags of a similar size? I want one to keep anywhere from 60 to 80 feet of rope in and I want to be able to hang it from my saddle.