I always say opposite of some other things in life, a chain is better too loose than too tight.
Yeah ,I kind of caught that drift with reference to "other "I always say opposite of some other things in life, a chain is better too loose than too tight.
Here's another point to ponder .A majority of people file from one side and may hit a number of cutters before advancing the chain .
I on the other hand file from both sides over the top near the engine ,lefty ,righty, lefty .They really isn't much shake rattle and roll with that method .Maybe only two,three cutters then advance the chain .It isn't however a method most are comfortable with .
I like to round it over slightly, but I don't know if it's absolutely necessary.
I gotta ask does Mr. Adams file square ground or does he round file like what us blokes do?Ahhh... Gentlemen: Take a little tip from Max Adams (63 year-old timber cutter from Southern Oregon--Willie will laugh at the mere mention of his name).
Leave the chain loose! Then ram a 12" wedge on the under side of the bar, between the bar and chain, with the palm of your hand. Then set the brake. Works like the champ of champs. Cory: try this--I swear you'll never do it the old way again.
Not hard at all Al. You can get practiced up doing my technique by mounting the saw in a bench vise. Sprocket cover facing you to file the left hand cutters and rewind facing you to file the right hand cutters.Willard as far as I know you alone are the only person on the face of this green earth that can file a chain that way .Fact being I have no idea how you even do it .
People think I'm rather odd with my over the top method of lefty righty but I bow to you on that one because I doubt I could do it .
Very comfortable natural positioning while sitting on a stump [or chair]. Hugging that powerhead when its warm on a cold day feels really nice. When its a hot day you just file those left hand cutters fasterI get a kink in my neck just watching Willard.
Fred are you saying you file with both hands, right handed and left handed?I switch the saw to the left knee with left hand though for the left side.
Brian I do my best hand filing in a vise too, best control.I mounted a vise on the bucket truck just for filing.
I'd post a picture but I cannot access my photobucket account right now.