Cali dreamer
Nice roping work.
It looks like you could have pulled the whole tree over in one piece.
Any reason not to do so?
I bet your brother would have finished in four if had tunes like that playing.
How do you like the small Huskys? It's almost wierd to me to see them cutting, I used to have them and they were awful, they would rarely run right
It was weird to see a chuck and duck rip those limbs in like that. Mine is an old wayne 16" with a 318 motor. It feeds in slowly. Nothing like what i just saw. On the flip side, it will take 6 inch oak no sweat. I guess i just forgot how fast most of those machines suk the brush in. Now I am jealous and want a fast one!
It was weird to see a chuck and duck rip those limbs in like that. Mine is an old wayne 16" with a 318 motor. It feeds in slowly. Nothing like what i just saw. On the flip side, it will take 6 inch oak no sweat. I guess i just forgot how fast most of those machines suk the brush in. Now I am jealous and want a fast one!