Just like your customers could benefit if you didn't charge sales tax.
I haven't looked in a while but doesn't Sherrill still have price matching?
The sales dude who was doing my order at the show was epically slow* and not all that interested in the sale, stopping and looking around after writing the first two items on the order. I went for a walk to cure the boredom, came back and he asked for the descriptions and prices on the items, having copied down the next (item 3) item number down and standing around looking bored.
As icing on the cake, after he got through filling out the order form, he handed it off to another sales guy so he could take lunch.
As a plus, I did appreciate him trusting me on the prices and the totals, but then again it would seem he was more interested in things other than sales for Sherrill, so why would he bother checking what I said for prices? I nearly got a Butterfly for $129, as my second line in the dollar sign made it almost look like $1 299. Why he decided it was $129 and not $1299 is beyond me, probably had something to do with lunch.
Back when I was first getting started, I used to call and ask for Cricket (sales girl). We had a friendly business relationship, she remembered me, and didn't mind answering my general questions. I would wait until she was available to take my order, so it wasn't like she had a choice in the matter. If I had a "special" question, I'd talk to Sean, although it isn't his job he took care of me.
* I handed him a piece of paper with the item numbers on it, no description, no prices, I had to look them (description and price) back up for him, I remembered all but a couple.