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  • #77
As i'm going thru everything i find 2 legal downloads on rope/knotting that i hoarded in my madness, and have become somewhat obscure.
. is an excellent free resource of working class and rescue knots.
The generous, very well respected author has since removed the free version and added an updated, paid version; even the cover is artwork:

"Underground rescue from caves and mines is the most extreme form of technical rescue in the world"
The other is ye old US Army rigging manual; full of basic raw survival, making rope work mindset:
i've learned a lot from going over and over both of these free resources!
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  • #78
Over time this has become my favorite lashing to 'bend' line to another bight:

i see the yellow left Bight as the want to escape
>>and the green right line as the lock of the bight
>>the transfer of force a handshake
>>the more points of transfer the less loaded per point of transfer of the same finite quantity of force
>>which could be less loaded transfer at a given deformity>> and less deformity too!
For me it has the inline pull of a Surgeons and lock of a Sheetbend, usually slipped.
i use it as a Bend/rope extension, dragging stuff with truck.
>>sometimes just to keep main line new/clean by not dragging that portion
Yellow Bight that feeds from Left is purposefully larger
>>if miss-matched sizes the lock half should be the smaller/tighter clamp denting the bight side
>>bight side(yellow) should be softer so can be gripped easier and not slide thru Surgeon's channel of a softer lock
>>from softer/fatter lock trying to hold thinner/tighter bight diameter
>>then present a thinner cutting 2:1 action against lock Standing Part(green)
So keep tighter/thinner lock biting into softer/fatter bight as always and all ways.
i try to stretch the lock construction out long, and set hard
>>i always consider loose as the malleable form, tensioned as more of a welded architecture
>>and align parts well in the malleable form, seat to best stay well dressed in the hard welded form/actual loaded usage
i think the force transfer/handshake from 1 line to other is 'cleaner' from a line of points/ 3 radians of perhaps divided/less loaded and deformed load transfer /handshake points
>>as opposed to simple SheetBend of 1 radian bend / handshake mostly to deform across than pull pure inline at a single more loaded and deformed point for handshake/force transfer
But, if Bend to eye, prefer the more balanced pull to the eye of more of a Simple Simon Over , locked/slipped
>>rather than deforming eye by pulling just one side of it w/primary:

Anymore i consider Sheetbend as down and dirty,short line, low load, maybe too small a string to see/work kinda scenario.
I'm finding that the concept of keeping the connection, here a bend, malleable, more flexible, to also be beneficial in hand sewing eyes. Mimicking the machine sewn eyes produces a rock hard connection, with the stitches having to be short and condensed to allow stretching on the outer part of the eye and sewn section. A different method of sewing has come up, called round perimeter stitching, that uses longer spaced stitches that coil around the two ropes, with a lot fewer stitches. The testing shows higher break strengths, with a more flexible connection. I've got good results doing the former method, but this newer method might produce higher results.
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  • #80
Very Nice!
In this model imagery i'd say your are :
A> allowing the system more room to self adjust to minimal loading (function of Nature)
B> this would be to a more PURE INLINE architecture; of perhaps shared loading (?)
But from any angle, strength is about the shared supports and their geometries i think
i've always thought the joke is on us; the angled line is not weaker; the rope is doing a wonderful job!
The only time we get all tensile strength from line is the very unique instance of force ushered/conducted down
>>the (Roman Coliseum) column of the line/ PURE INLINE
>>ANY other position is compromised, and more likely randomly! >>so should look purposefully for loss, not be surprised by it!
>>Be surprised if none>>@the unique instance of PURE INLINE!!
(but actually tension sideForces; pull into alignment; itis compression sideForces we look for pushing out of alignmeant>>always some deformity tho..)
This shows all trucks INPUTTING 1000# into different angled rope systems.
The more deflection from PURE INLINE , the more of rope tensile strength used for side forces rather than inline load.

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  • #81
Works in progress (at any time i may have 6 pix working on etc.).
i think definitively; knot efficiency/strength is all geometry.
A rope (or other Flexible Devices) can only resist/support on inline axis
>>thus all is dependent on the cosine of the angle/distortions from PURE INLINE.
Saying Geometry, Cosine etc. makes it sound tough;
but cosine is just to me a 0-100% percentage of potential
>>This potential is the actual line force or pull
>>the cosine (i think of as columnSine to my cause/cos) is just the % of potential that actually pulls forward/inline on load
Chasing greater strength is not about the strength, that is a 1 day prize.
>>Like Auto Racing, the real payout is not this target, but all the stuff L-earned on the journey
>>that makes driving safer,more comfortable, efficient etc. everyday, on every road.
(journey not destination type focus).
Truck pulls show as rigging forces, same forces on same materials as in the microcosm of a knot.
Strengths of knots shown totally depend on how close to max PURE INLINE the architecture of the rope is.

i am constantly amazed the ancients cracked this code of length/force/speed/distance etc. w/o pencil nor paper.
>>then handed down thru so much else being lost!!
The same angle numbers work for length measurement as force.
Same numbers are the root to all action games motion, sizing, even the gradient shading is on cos/sin scales!!
We see these things in everything so much, they are so bland; seems like can't define!
BUT, as an animal your eye is constantly weighing and measuring for risks, paths etc.
Drawings, animations,shadings do not look legit to the eye if don't employ these numbers!
Eye is used to seeing them in all!
In drawing, animation etc. can move ball horizontally 10 pixels every 1/24th of a second >> looks ok
>>BUT move not so statically/evenly but rather start slow and arrive fast to target (or reverse called ease-in/ease-out)
>>gives more Natural look, feel! Especially increments follow cos/sin type scales!!
The term used for the look is that the view/action is more 'Organic' in look and feel!
>>Static increment motion looks robotic next to organic >>the eye knows!
This thing of Geometry is a code of life the Ancients cracked; this rope usage is just one place it appears!
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  • #82
My version of some knot principles ; and how they apply to this hybrid.

Great stuff, Kenny. Very accurate under technical appraisal, and also works intuitively for those of us who are not so detailed in our grasp of the realities you describe.

Also, I fear...nearly impenetrable for 96 out of 100 of most of us. It takes me long study to interpret "kennyisms". And after that, I am often still confused, yet knowing there is surely a true kernel of wisdom, knowledge, and experience buried in the difficult to understand or follow unique "Kenny" lingo.

I fear that most of the cadre here simply don't have the time, patience, or belief that all that effort could be worthwhile in the end.

My word, would be a gift to us all if you could learn to speak/write in English.

But I know this horse is long dead, and I waste our time beating it further. Apologies.
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  • #87
i'm sorry but i reached for intuitive, visceral understandings and now seem cursed so.
The process to excavate what i've pounded layers into own core so densely for decades w/o talking so outwardly about it ; can be exhausting; even physically so as head weighs heavy;
to then setup towards a few weeks to illustrate, then perhaps to make sure will align across the board and then be forward compatible/consistent naming, colors, positions etc. with half done Surgeon Lock principles_2,3,4 etc. before posting Surgeon Lock principles_1 etc. while constantly teaching self drawing in vectors and gradient shades, to re-usable modules to not take so long the next time.
If i had the means to translate further, and maintain the continuity across topics; i most certainly would .
Many things i have named, i can't find precedent for; or at least one that would be contiguous across topics,
>>might borrow radian from geometry etc. because that is closest concept to my imagery etc.
i feel very lucky to have worked with huge trees and rope
>>very lucky to see Natural forces that rule thru all things, at such magnified levels as to see close-up, like thru microscope
i feel almost like i've been allowed to see these things, digest them at least to this level
>> then honor bound not to be greedy with what was gifted to me;
>>to be at least as wise as a simple coral polyp and add it to the build for all!
All-in-All; i'm just too close to see any further out; perhaps others can translate, or start to, or question specifics if interested etc.
All-in-All; i make no excuse, i've done what i can; just simply don't have the tools to take further as my own failing.
You have a supremely unique turn of mind which leads inevitably to a unique turn of phrase and that is a gift in itself. Keep doing what you're doing; the onus is on us to figure it out. :D
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  • #92
Burnham has always been one of my favorite posters,
Sorry i'm so thick;
i've always had problems expressing stuff way back in school especially math problems, geometry proofs etc.
Let alone stuff i spent years alone in head re-condensing etc.
Perhaps father time has made that worse too ti seems..
i seem to associate/ look for associations, cross comparative analogies like looking at same gem at different angles to reveal all facets.
>>also everything has to play and cross-verify backwards; many solutions found in this reverse engineering.
That is how i prove to my self and remember stuff.
Some words have to borrow from other arts where i find none or to show such a comparative association.
Very few (columnSine) do i make up (and might borrow 'camel case' from programming to do so).
Always thought drawings would span the gap, show pix in head etc.
>>but even constant journey of drawing vectors better has been a fascinating journey, that constantly lends at least to me more insights into the things we witness but seem sometimes elusive to name, see how many places exists, segregate then to carry forward/command/conjure same principles in other forms against other problems.
i simply try to share, sorry my long time handicap gets in way.
Don't have to try to be different, really don't try to confuse nor batter.
Always ready to answer specific questions or even curve to another view if it fits, have learned much here and added to book in head.
Kenny, you often omit words such as "I" and "the", which make it hard to read.

Hyphenation joins words
Cross comparative analogies
Cross-comparative analogies.

Lots of run-on sentence, often without a subject (e.g. 'I', 'one').
Semicolons would join some run-ons correctly, as connected, though for the audience, maybe just break them apart.

More periods, shorter sentences.

Sometimes, bullet-points may help.

Holy moly! There's a lot of info you want to share!
Many would like to understand it, better.


Spacing between paragraphs

I'd try to leave trigonometry out for the non-math trained folks.
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  • #98
camelCase or studlyCaps capitalizes first letter of each work except first word, so hump in middle, kinda a programming eye sorting thing for shows relationships.
columnSine is just cosine with my personal mnemonic that this means percentage of remaining column that is 100% at zer0 deflection etc.
>>column of remaining original tension or length is rope tension or slanted board length, columnSine/cosine of the angle gives how much of that still left on original 100% column of reach or force

Writing this more for a knot site; but kinda tree guy's view into rope forces many nonTree folk might miss seeing.
Working rope in tree work is hard work of rope and wood just like aboard ships were most working knots were born and/or proven.
The secrets usually hidden inside the microcosm of a knot, can be larger and more viewable in a rope rig in such works.
>>Same load forces in same rope materials, on same planet etc. just bigger and more open to view!
When ABoK was written these examples might be in 3-4" rough manilla; Ashley notes rope starts at 1" cordage, any less is 'small stuff'
Much discussion in knot circles about how many degrees of Turns defines a Round Turn(yeah we are a wild and crazy group, nothing boring here!)
>>knotNoggin (probably best rope mind i've found on arbo or rope sites) told me years ago could be 360 degrees, i think he is right, but takes 360 plus another 180 to enforce the 360
>>360 as working physics, then 180 to keep the physics in place.
All forces need an Equal & Opposite(E&O) mating force; and travels outward until can find E&O to be neutralized/satiated by.
>>i think Round Turn provides this E&O more in the system; where simple, single Turn does not and so force reaches out of rope system.
Ropes/Rigs/Knots have straight parts and curved parts i think are based on half circle as basic non-straight rope part
>>this half circle compounds together both straight legs of force feeding half circle, to make half circle a greater force, needing another anchor/support point
i think 360degrees of Round Turn is 2 competing half circles inside rope system, so less force flow out of rope system to final anchor/support.
i imagine 1st half circle as a raging bull; offer own mirror to bull and they lock horns and fight each other as E&O's inside rope system, with LOTS less escaping force to seek rest of E&O to satiate.
The last 180 to me is to enforce that the bulls horns stay locked together in this imagery.

i think these forces work the same hidden away in knots
a Radian Pi in geometry is a half circle, thus i tend to call the half circle as a 'Rope Radian' as own personal best descriptor.
i think this defines rigging and knotting; straight parts not much intro needed, and curved parts based on half circles of these definitions!
1 half circle is a frictionalized slip, 2 are competing arcs making more of a frictionalized clamp, totally different game.
... but takes 360 plus another 180 to enforce the 360 >>360 as working physics, then 180 to keep the physics in place...
A 360 round turn works very well without the 180 if the line remains perpendicular to the cylinder.
Totally agree, but must be well minded.
I think the next 90degrees bending line past 360 insures that 360 remains fairly applied, but 90degrees more locks the first 90 keeper of the 360. knudeNoggin's theory was right about 360, I trusted him and kept looking harder; this is my best explanation of root force to keep aligned. 360 is the workhorse but still recommend typical last 180 as generally seen.
Thus 3 half circles as commonly seen , but the real work done by first 2 half circles facing each other, as bulls in a pen distracted by each other, not charging fence as outward force.
2 half circles mirror each other , hand hold keeps it fair/ keeps forces aligned and engaged with each other another half circle pretty certainly so.
Equal & Opposite Reaction from Load in mono Turn on low friction arc exits arc to Control leg.
Equal & Opposite Reaction from Load in multi Turn on low friction arc >> more consumed by themselves, less force exits , Control leg more a keeper/controller than direct hold of load around mono U turn on Porty.
Porty exemplifies effect with short friction path of low friction; more of a clamp with 2 half circles, just friction path if 1 half circle verifies in low friction example I think. If all rigs and knots are straights and half circles, I hope this more defines forces of the more complex half circles of all rigs and knots.
Mono vs. Multi game changer seen in 1 bolt thru 2 boards is hinge pivot , but more than 1 bolt locks boards from hinging.
>> On upward pull of Porty lengthwise 'Single Bearing' of Timber Hitch (or eye2eye sling)can be seen as such a hinge more inviting pull sling get started creeping upward , but fix with more 'Double Bearing' of Cow Hitch (or round sling)can give 2nd pin effect and hold MUCH better at this errant lengthwise pull up rather than across trunk.
Mostly in any; 2 competitors playing off each other is enough, but I maintain mono vs. multi definition, more turns, bolts, nails, choke rings etc. are distinctly separate mechanic than mono of any. 2nd half circle simply same.