That's a nice one, lots of green for true![]()
Good to know, if I ever make it back. We only went in about a 1/4 mile or so, I think we turned around at a big cathedral tree a bit further in from the mutant tree. I hope I get the chance one day to go walking in those woods without the little boys, I get the feeling I could get carried away quick in those woods. A few times while wandering off trail I realized how easy it would be to get lost in there, plus I think the bigfoot was watching me at one point![]()
Ah, the possibilities are endless. Nice composition. The lighting was good.
Speaking of, Jed Smith Redwoods arrives tomorrow, by next week you'll receive a parcel. Thanks, Mario!
Mine went to Seattle first, on its way back now ��
I've sure been enjoying mine. Thanks, Jerry...I trust you got my email earlier.
Nice shot of the owl, Mario...barred or spotted?
Great photo, Mario. I always take it as a good omen when I get to see an owl.