Ouch !
Often the hands take hard with mechanic. The bolt comes loose suddenly or the wrench slides and Bam !
I lost many skin bits like that, but never went to the bone (in mechanic, I precise, otherwise ...).
But the fillings are somewhat barbed and it could be difficult to extract them from the eye's tissues.
I got some metal in the eyes, but only with the angle grinder, without or with protective glass. This shit sends loose bits everywhere by direct hits or ricocheting, metal and abrasive grains.
A bench grinder is less dangerous on this point (a little).
I wear a beard too and it could be quite long, as I'm too lazy to cut it. Usually, I take the hair clippers when it begins to be caught in the prussik

Wednesday, it was different, and a first one: I jammed my beard very closely under a sling during an self-rigging cut. Well... can't move, what can I do now... hopefully it was only a tuft, so I pulled it up. Ouchy !
Strangely, saturday my beard was shorter again