pine removal

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  • #79
Very cool I need to graduate to a setup like yours grendel. Does the Prussic have to be connected to the bottom of the pulley or is it preference?
In Grendel's first picture is the Hitch Climber pulley ... Here is the video DMM put together...
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Ahhh, isn't it divine to just twirl your finger and be slowly raised and lowered with no effort...bliss.
Sorry Mike, another thing about the House, we are the MASTERS of the derail,

Back to you mate :)
Hella top Mike! Welcome to the House. Like anything else, low and slow with whatever you chose for a new hitch. Once you step away from the Blake's, the possibilities are nearly endless and somewhat effortless.
Like, in the Park, or is their a town Yosemite? Either way, sounds like a sweet spot for an outdoor loving kid to grow up
Grendle, which do you like better as a hitch tender, the HC or the pinto?
Grendle, which do you like better as a hitch tender, the HC or the pinto?

I like the HitchClimber Cory, overall. They both do basically the same thing, and on a lanyard, I prefer the Pinto, as everything is captured and compact (legs of the hitch cord are held inside the walls of the pulley body). The HC is not as tidy on a lanyard, but takes the cake on the climb line. Honestly, I use both interchangeably, but the HC is just so elegant if you put me to it that is what I would choose.

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  • #94
Like, in the Park, or is their a town Yosemite? Either way, sounds like a sweet spot for an outdoor loving kid to grow up

I grew up in Mariposa but easier to say yosemite considering my house was one mile from park. Im spoiled not $ but locations.
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  • #98
I climb with what I know. Which is why I love this site. I have noone to learn from! You guys awnser questions I have no idea who to ask about. I am not the best climber but I listen and absorb all info. I appreciate all info keep it coming. Thx guys
Could be your dad... seems I did some work for a family that had a son in the tree business or something like that and helps them when he comes for a visit.....