Last Wednesday I bore cut a 30' cedar. It was growing right against a chain link fence, bulging out the fence -- no space for a backcut. At least the lean was favorable away from the fence. I had the groundman hold the fence away and bore cut it, feathering out the backstrap to release it without hitting the chain link. It laid down slow & beautiful. Saved the log for milling.
Given the lean into an open area, if it weren't for the fence I wouldn't have bore cut it. 20" trunk, 24" bar on the 372. But if it weren't for becoming more knowledgeable and gaining experience with bore cutting, I wouldn't have had the confidence to approach a tree like that growing against a fence. So thanks again, Stig (would love to see some more videos, perhaps of you training your new interviewee!). 10 (or so) bore cuts under my belt. 249,990 more to go to catch up to you!