Palm removals with limited access.

The fronds are very sturdy. Lay them in a cross pattern on the drop zone as a cushion, then, cut and drop more or less thick cookies. This needs more time but the impact force should be reduced drastically.
I just hope that the wind doesn't send all the saw dust in the pool. The filtering system will claim its retirement.
Yeah, this seems like a name your price bid. It's going to be messy and challenging no matter how it's done. Because of the mess that will happen, I still say drop them into the pool and fish them out whole or nearly so after.

Shut the pool down, put some guard logs down, and splash them.

Or like Marc said, thick cookies and lots of mess. That's the other way that comes to mind, small pieces, small problems. Although in this case, it's more like low impact salad.
A couple thoughts. Palm doesn't hinge well so controlled lowering would be very time consuming and probably not work well.

IMO the trees should be dropped whole in order to minimize crap in the pool. The heads will be self cushioning so your only major impact point will be the trunk butt. I would just lay out plywood to protect the pool deck from getting marked up. Put enough money on the job to pay for 10-12 sheets of new 3/4" plywood and get to work.
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  • #31
IMO the trees should be dropped whole in order to minimize crap in the pool. The heads will be self cushioning so your only major impact point will be the trunk butt. I would just lay out plywood to protect the pool deck from getting marked up. Put enough money on the job to pay for 10-12 sheets of new 3/4" plywood and get to work.
We tried that once before with a similar palm. Made a club sandwich with 3 sheets of 3/4" plywood and two sheets of 1/2" styrofoam. It still popped a thick paver where the head landed.
Be ready for really heavy stuff.
We do a few and what is there as before mentioned, make a landing zone, neg rig all you can, cookies and chuck, watch for bounces to the pool, also very heavy under water.
Hey, did we finally come up with an excuse for the toggle cut?

I still reckon that a rope does the same job with much less fuss.
The problem with a rope is that it can stretch and shift while being shock loaded. It might be the same time & effort to make a fancy cut as it is to get the rope set in such a way that it won't move.

I guess a strong base anchor and a little guide notch in the back to catch the rope with some reverse stump shot would hold the trunk from ever coming off the stump, but that's some serious leverage on the rope.
Any what you do it, that's a nasty nasty job.
Price it accordingly then add a bit more.
Curious also why they are coming out? They look nice (if a bit yellow) but I know how much of a pain they must be to the staff and pool cleaners.
Tarps. Fronds and plywood cushions. Just chunk the $&@$$ things down. In our weld shop we have movable welding screens for welding light. Some of those or light temporary curtains wall frames for concert type events. Put those up to keep stuff out of the pools. Do they have pool covers? Be mindful of chip direction when sawing. New wide kerf (archer) .404 square ground works well on palms.

Backpack or rolling vacuum vs. blower?
I like the rolling scaffold idea. It would allow you to take them down in small pieces. Slide material down a ramp from scaffold to plywood on the ground.

I wonder about fronds as the cushion between plywood layers as an armored crash pad.

Have replacement materials on hand and a quality tile contractor hired for the day, in case, and build it into the bid.
Another thought is, Brett, congratulations on being asked to bid it. They offered it to you because they know, if any company can do it, yours can.
Also, wind or no wind, that pool is going to be trashed. Put some disclaimers in the contract because the pump will probably have to be replaced. 😳
What can get in there? A tow-behind lift?

Nobody will be swimming during working, right? Would that mean a pool cover?
I was thinking about a pool cover also, but they might not have those in FL. Closing a pool for the week it's too cold(for Floridians) to swim wouldn't make much sense :^D
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  • #47
Roots are uplifting the deck tiles. Only access is a 45" wide gate. We discussed draining the pool; they know it's going to be a huge mess however we do it. This is not a good time to close the pool. They may put it off until winter.
I wonder if they will rework the lifted tiles? They could be taken up for stump grinding, re-leveled and new palms planted.