Marking trees with tags during bids

  • Thread starter Thread starter SeanKroll
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Flagging tape and a staple gun. I’ll fold over a few layers and staple it to the trees. Bigger jobs I’ll use multiple colors to mean different things. Blue for removals, green for prunes.... you get the idea.
I used to mark and map out job sites that I was bidding on. And then I realized that other bidders were using my work for their own bids.
Just something to consider…
I tie sisal twine around prune trees, and tree marker/crayon X's on removals, only when I have more than 2 to deal with and they may not all be obvious. There are also notes in my book for reference as well. Latest job had 12 removals and 7 prunes, so lots of twine & markings for the brush monkeys to take note of.
Most government or school jobs are already marked with orange spray paint for removal. Private I use tape.

A simple description usually suffices. i.e. "18" DBH Laurel oak near right front corner of house"

Did it that way for years with no problem until I got a call from someone I'd done work for before to "take out the nicholii in the front yard"

Had a look, rang through a price. Did the job, then got a very upset phone call that I did the wrong tree. I'd done hundreds of nicholii, useless trees planted everywhere in the 60's, supposed to grow to 25ft, seen them 80ft or more plenty of times. Two trees in the front, a nicholii hanging over the neighbours fence and a black wattle. Not paying you.

About six months later got a knock on the door and he's there with a cheque and a long hand written apology, seemed someone had mixed the tags up years before when he planted them.