On The Water

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"Don't come up faster than your smallest bubbles and DONT FREAK OUT, YOU HEAR ME MFER?"

Actually, that does cover a lot regarding diving safety, if you want to put it in concise terms. Still, without a good understanding of your equipment, a deep dive could be extremely hazardous. You are not in your element.
This thread needs a bump. Anybody want to go gator fishing? 8)

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Ha, the gator lady is from two towns over from me.

You have gators in MA? One of our climbers does go gator fishing in the Everglades, just for fun. Actually uses a fishing pole. He doesn't keep them, just messes with them. boys :what:
No, the lady was from Mass. She bagged the gator in SC.

Although there appears to be a 6 footer loose in a pond in the metro Boston area. I keep seeing the teaser but never the story on the news. The winter usually does them in.
We got out on the water today. 10 miles into the bay and we had our limit in 30 minutes! ( yes, John has lost weight! 35 lbs.) IMG_0203.JPG IMG_0204.JPG
It's all that fish. So what do you do the rest of the time, just chill on the water?
It's all that fish. So what do you do the rest of the time, just chill on the water?

Nah, we just headed back to the dock. The wind was blowing 20 knots, so it was fairly choppy and it is a 20-30 minute run back to the house.
Here is a grouper from a couple of weeks ago! It fed John all week!


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We got out today for a couple of hours. Caught our limit in Mangrove Snappers but had to battle a 8-10' bull shark on every catch. This shark was HUGE. Seeing how I was catching all the fish :lol:, John was trying to get pictures of it. We do two types of fishing, hook and line in the winter and spear fishing in the summer. Thing is we, do them in the same place, so all the while today I am thinking, this shark is here when we are spear fishing. :O Only difference is, when we spear fish, we don't chum.


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Gigi, did you replace the motors on the boat? I thought it had twin Yamahas?

Brian, that shot is facing our neighbors boat, he has twin somethings! Ha. MB, nothing shrinking about that shark, he was sooooooooo big. Oh my gosh.