Time is the key. Amounts saved now build up big time given enough years. In this biz (and many others, no doubt) some years you have stuff to put away, some you don't, has been my experience. If folks have stuff to save every year, well then God bless them.
But save what you can. And get an IRA and or SEP, that will save some taxes. Ha I aint much of an investor unfortunately, but a long while ago I had an extra $1000 kicking around and I said damn it I'm gonna put it in reliable old yellow Caterpillar. And it has grown slowly and steadily ever since. It aint no Apple -straight to the moon- stock, but it is chugging along. 'Buy and hold' style.
No doubt folks here with strong financial acumen can chime in with a lot of brass tacks details and guidelines for you.