Old Timers - Tie In For MRS Poor Trees?

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Jul 21, 2019
How did y'all handle your tie ins on sketchy trees back in the day; a lot of false crotches? That maple I was on over the weekend didn't have a lot of good tie in points for a moving rope. They were either small, dead, or inconvenient. I was using canopy ties and ropewrench+hitchhiker on two different lines. On a better tree, I'd have used the hitchhiker, then a moving rope secondary.
I once did a long dead probably was a poplar on which everything was sketchy, single stem. I set a mid high SRT tip, short DRT long lanyard into shorter tree beside and kept my short lanyard around the trunk. The plan was stealth ninja up with limited drop potential if tip failure. Nothing was rigged, all free drops. Nerve wracking was when I passed the long lanyard tip and was committed to the spar. The plan was if failure I wouldn't slide far. I was able to keep all support at the trunk in the face of punky wood weakness. Was higher on the stress level I dare say. :)

So punch line gentle ninja and spar wrap incremental climb. Tip redundancy. If a multi-leader tree make use of non-isolated and catch SRT tips.
Of course you're not saying spike the prune, just spurs on a removal. I know, west coast conifer bark is thick ... but that's an exception. I watched a spur dude stall out when faced with a 45 degree leader - even with a bit of a central rope tip.
Skyline is one option, or crane
Although most people don't want to pay for a crane, and access can be tough