Ok so why is this forum better than arborist site ?

  • Thread starter itsmyblood
  • Start date
  • Replies 234
  • Views 40K
What, we posseing up and headed to trollworld?
No I just wanted to catch up on all the gossip. I am really liking this site. One thread I read was a guy talking about a gear bag to use aloft and one of the posts was somebody wanting to make it. I mean how cool is that! Or the splicing shack bad ass! I can wait to dive deep into those threads. Then I read one showing murphy4trees that he is not a god in the tree world. It just keeps getting better and better
Bob's rope bags are now sold at Wesspur, damn good rope bags. :thumbup: They are listed as the HC rope bag (for Hobby Climber). I have an original as well as a couple from Wesspur.

The guy who developed and builds the Wraptors also hangs out here; as well as Jerry Beranek, the author of 'The Fundamentals of General Tree Work'. 8)
It just keeps getting better and better, J.B. is my idol I have all of his books and videos. I don't know why more don't hang out here.
Chainsaw Cubit; shit, I figured a pro like YOU would know.

An interesting side note, there wouldn't be cubits today if Noah hadn't brought several breeding pair with him in the Ark. Cute little critters.
Randy, if you want to get old Al wound up then go to the chainsaw forum and start an oil thread. :lol:
:lol: Oh that ,I was just screwing with the guy . For a moment I'd have sworn it was GlenS using a different user name .Now that guy (Glen )I really enjoyed ruffling his feathers . He certainly was anal about things including his precious Stihl saws .

Forums can be a form of entertainment and amusement at times .Actually it was a delight a few years back on the site owned by the roofing supply salesman until he got greedy .Too bad he kinda chit in his mess kit and things will never again be the same .Maybe for the better as far as the internet goes .:)
An observation or a realization has occured to me .It seems as forums go that ones that were expressly given over to promoting some service ,selling a product or in other words have a very narrow objective usually are not successfull in the over all scheme of things .

I'll say this about that .I haven't seen any that only promoted for example some wrench turner who reworked saws for a price ever do too much when that were the main topic of conversation with the ever present cheering section . After a while the cheer leaders are the only ones in attendence .About like preaching to the choir .:lol:
...Forums can be a form of entertainment and amusement at times .Actually it was a delight a few years back on the site owned by the roofing supply salesman until he got greedy .Too bad he kinda chit in his mess kit and things will never again be the same ...
so true--per that, when someone on AS commented that scrolling through ads each and every view was a bit much, D commented that "they" would not allow otherwise...funny--reminded me of when i tell helpers and clients that it's "company policy" that suchandsuch gets done, making it seem liker it's out of my hands when it's 100% my call. ;)

I still go to AS for threads on phc and mgt issues, which are not the focus here or at TB. But the vibe there has soured and it's not so good for relaxation and camaraderie; not like when skwerl and i et al had all those friendly chats (which probably helped ruin the place, in retrospect). Oopsie!
But the vibe there has soured and it's not so good for relaxation and camaraderie; not like when skwerl and i et al had all those friendly chats (which probably helped ruin the place, in retrospect). Oopsie!
:lol: It's not what's discussed but rather how so .I'm not one who should point a finger at anyone because believe it or not I've had my "moments " too Uncle Al may appear to be a mild mannered old fart but there's a tiger in that tank that escapes every now and again .:)
He posted the links on the Arborist & Logger site, it's a new place that sprang up from members that had been banned from AS.
Say would you or anybody know who exactly runs that site per chance ? I saw some familiar names but quit frankly if it's ran by certain people I don't get along with I'll give it up before I even start .

It's a known fact that some folks ,myself included just don't fit in everywhere .No big deal ,just the way it is .:)

I tried searching the praticulars on Domain tools but came up with no info .
Say would you or anybody know who exactly runs that site per chance ? I saw some familiar names but quit frankly if it's ran by certain people I don't get along with I'll give it up before I even start .

It's a known fact that some folks ,myself included just don't fit in everywhere .No big deal ,just the way it is .:)

I tried searching the praticulars on Domain tools but came up with no info .

The guy that runs the place is Mike Keeney aka Buddha Kat. He's a laid back person.
Have you checked it out, Butch? Other than the absolutely horrible page delays I think the place has potential. I suspect it's the forum software he's using. Hopefully he will switch to something better soon or it could affect his long term success. I've only been there a couple days and I'm already becoming reluctant to browse too long due to the lag. But generally a good natured group of people there.