Ok so why is this forum better than arborist site ?

  • Thread starter itsmyblood
  • Start date
  • Replies 234
  • Views 40K
There might be a little error in that as far as membership numbers .If you are member in good standing,which I'm not try something .Go through a few pages of the membership and note how many have ony a few posts ,no posts or are banned .

I personal find it rather odd you would count someone who is on the banned list as a member ,odd indeed .:?
Jesse, I think the numbers of quantity that is quality would astound you. The post per member count used to (and may still be) higher than most of the other forums. Well at least I think that was how it was presented by Butch. Posts per member average or something.
If you want a million posts on your post count, just ask him, he might be able to help you out, not that the count means much ;)
Lots of people have said lots of good stuff...

The TH is professional, informative, relaxed, humourous, non-confrontational, and willing to put up with alternate spelling (i.e British)

I still check in at the other places, AS and TB...but THIS is the best place to hang overall!
"ok so why is this forum better than the TreeHouse?"

I'd love to see how long that thread would last over there! I dunno - Darin just might leave it up as long as everyone bashed on the TreeHouse. Ha.
---and leading off those bashers would be my dear short peckered buddy one Mr Dan N . I would well imagine if things fall true to form .Some things never change .
That's funny, I was banned for calling some asshole an asshole. Maybe gay sex and nudity.
:lol: You want a little laugh just check out the site they just started and some of the chit Mr. Johnston is pulling now .

It's the same old stuff he's always pulled , just ban the whole freakin bunch .As I know our favorite roofing supply salesman has spies that read everything on every forum ,how's that working for you D .:P

You know it's a damned shame that the other forums which at one time posted links to one another stopped that practice .Our genious near Denver certainly would have a hard time stopping that and most likely have a chit fit because he could not .Hell he can't stop it anyway,self appointed potentate of the internet or not .I love it .:D

Hmm ,the SOB got me again .Evidently my buddy must have something to do with that site because my e-mail is on the block list .Imagine that .That pretty much tells the tale .
One of my compatriots told me he joined AS a couple days ago, I laughed and told him when he gets banned to let me know and I will give him the URL of a much better site. Then about 3 seconds later I couldn't hold it in and told him to try Gypoclimber and just forget the other place. Not sure if he reg'd yet or not.
:lol: You want a little laugh just check out the site they just started and some of the chit Mr. Johnston is pulling now .

It's the same old stuff he's always pulled , just ban the whole freakin bunch .As I know our favorite roofing supply salesman has spies that read everything on every forum ,how's that working for you D .:P

You know it's a damned shame that the other forums which at one time posted links to one another stopped that practice .Our genious near Denver certainly would have a hard time stopping that and most likely have a chit fit because he could not .Hell he can't stop it anyway,self appointed potentate of the internet or not .I love it .:D

Hmm ,the SOB got me again .Evidently my buddy must have something to do with that site because my e-mail is on the block list .Imagine that .That pretty much tells the tale .
Sense they went to a new server it dropped a lot of peoples emails. I have gmail and it sent all of AS'S emails to the spam folder Notice AS'S looks a lot like ass.
Not AS ,that other site .I haven't been on the former site for a couple of years .

It just kind of surprised me on that Arborist and logger that a message said my e-mail addy was on the banned list .I suppose it could one of three things .The software could have a glitch.I pissed somebody off some other place or they are connected with the former site else how would they have my addy to begin with ?

Soo the way I figure it since most people surf the net that the powers to be will see this and if they want to do something fine .If not fine .Old Al is way too old and grumpy to kiss anybodies ass at this point in life .:what: