I’ll bet Butch would’ve been ecstatic to have him aboard.
Most everyone was, initially.
Perhaps if there is even an issue, it boils down to an extreme low level of participation/posting. And zero posts on any of the scores of excellent threads herein.
At this time of my life, I would like to present some of what I have learned over a lifetime of living with the trees. Take it for what it is worth.
That says it in a nutshell. Mr. Glenn simply wants to present his take on trees, period. There is obviously absolutely nothing wrong with that. But imo, it is not the least bit compelling. Blair has 47 years experience while the sum of say any 10 regular posters here is probably 200-300 years. One could argue that Blair is missing out on a tremendous number of excellent perspectives by only being interested in his take.
I'm certainly not trying pick some sort of silly fight. His videos seem to show that he is a mellow, down to earth person with a good heart, so more power to him.

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