I still think everybody that reads this SHOULD call morbark. They are "thinking" about resolving this, lets make sure they do AND send a message that this kind of shitty business won't be tolerated.....
Nick, after reading several years worth of posts by you, to you, and about you, I've come to know you through the net as a very good, qualified, honest, and honorable business owner and person in general.
I'd like to suggest that maybe you look at this from another point of view. In essence; "what would Nick do?". If you were on the 'seller' side of this whole deal what would you expect to do for your customer? You have the right to expect the same from them.
I really hope they make this up to you somehow.
On the bright side it is great that your as busy as you are.
Nick, is it ok if I let John from Garvey see this, if he has not already?
I still think everybody that reads this SHOULD call morbark. They are "thinking" about resolving this, lets make sure they do AND send a message that this kind of shitty business won't be tolerated.....
I'd like to suggest that maybe you look at this from another point of view. In essence; "what would Nick do?".
Of course. I'm curious about his thoughts.
Couple weeks ago we did this quirky job at a preschool. 60' tall pine tree had dropped cones on a couple kids. They wanted the cones removed. I have a price and got the job.
The guys texted me mid day saying a cone had bounced to where the toys were moved and had broken a toy table.
I contacted the client, apologized, told them I had found the same table at toys r us online and offered to ship one to the school. They were super happy with that (and truth is- the table was brittle and sun bleached and shoulda been replaced anyways) but who cares. We caused the damage- we'll fix it.
Obviously- that's the way it's supposed to work.
Obviously- that's the way it's supposed to work.
Exactly! That's the difference between a good business man and a bad one.
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