Jomo, do you have any idea what that was made for?
I guess not.
In the mid 70ties, the very forst harvester/processor, called the
Logma, was invented.
That was the beginning of the end of hand falling.
The original prototype is on display at the forestry museum in Jönköbing.
I piss on it's left rear tire, every time I come by.
It could not fall trees, only process them.
So two fallers had to run ahead and knock the trees, typically 40 year old Scots pine and Red spruce, over.
In order to make their lifes easier, Husqvana marketed the falling pad.
So it is designed for the mass murder of youngish conifers and it wrked fine for that.
Don't go stick it in one of your huge Eucs and say that it doesn't work.
That concludes today's history lesson