i remember Butch showing up at AS and TB and was just good'ole boy some always seemed to have problems with, sometimes seemed cuz was too friendly?? Came in too familiar like wow finally found my peoples, and was kinda told no you din't yo...
This place came about from him being banned etc. which i could never understand. Seemed he wasn't only one banned at time, thar was a list of 'boys in the banned' in some kinda power game. But always thought the others asked for it a bit, some over Butch I think, badge of courage and defiance, it was a long time ago...
He announced he had this software his buddy Doc was going to come over and install and this non space was born; like wow this redneck really got right up there and did it, just like he said....
Couldn't get sponsors like blackballed for years. But still the membership grew; and a certain staunch, non glitzy type seemed to stick most. This seemed to fuel, not cool external fires.
Still especially AS, bad blood making fun of him and forum.
They always made fun of his food posts there, then a forum section here on food, yet now have one of their own on food... In fact food, openness, friendliness seemed to make them think he wasn't hard enough treeman or something, not sure , like I said could never figure it out, and even asked several times WTF.
For YEARS after he was thrown out the threads he started, like What'dja do today etc. were 7 out of the top 10 in the forum history over yonder!!!! Sounds like a real bad guy???? i know, cuz i was the lil' smart azz presenting the screenshots of sort by reads and then replies as we talked. And really some of those threads, like the one named only seemed to be overtaken by being removed or taken over/rebranded under another post-er like changing history by removing evidence of an unfillable footprint otherwise. This went on for years of BS , and tho he banned a very few here really; it was nothing compared to what he endured, and was far more tolerant than was treated; and stood up for far more people also.
No one's perfect, and he is not one that ever claimed to be.
Quoting a previous post became a way to yank his chain.
>> we pulled some other chit too, like Editting own posts making it look like he made comments as admin cuz he did that to some one's post.... etc. That really seemed to catch him off balance..
i started at ISA around 95 running into Tom Dunlap and Mark Chisholm etc. when it was called a BBS not forum, there were some foreign forums visited, at least 1 started here and he allowed other forum to be linked from here when that type thing was super no-no in reigning forums. Not seen another forum been given a harder way to go. He was most open to any of the tree brethren to come to his small forum.. He gave more than he got or even asked for. Not sure what more else should ask for from another.
To tell it any other way would be untrue, disrespectful and ungrateful.